Women Economic Empowerment Program

Supporting Women Livilihoods

Adequate nutrition is of paramount important during all the stages of life as health life cannot be sustained without adequate nourishment. Nutritional deficiency is most prevalent in rural areas where the habitual diet lacks variety and people cannot afford to diversify their diets. Women and children, especially children from 0-5 years of age are among the groups most vulnerable to food insecurity and chronic malnutrition. Deficiency diseases caused by micro-nutritive is one of the serious problems being faced by most people in Zimbabwe

Understanding that access to nutrition food is a key dimension of food security, Unlimited Hope Alliance Trust (UHAT) managed to organise a training and awareness sessions to local people in Chiwetu village in Makoni District in line with The Zimbabwe National Nutritional strategy which provides for increasing the coverage of health and community nutrition services for adolescents and implementing school gardens with cooking demonstrations and nutrition education.